This area consists of the continent of Davania. This area consists of the Farend Ocean and the islands of Oceania, Cestia and everything else that may exist or have existed within it.
Its maritime boundaries include on the west by the eastern extents of the Sea of Dread and to the south by the northern extents of the Bellissarian Sea. This area includes all those islands in between the continents of Brun, Skothar and Davania. This area includes the Arm of Immortals and all those areas to the north and west of the Borean and Yalu Rivers on the Brun continent, including the Borean Valley itself. To the east and north the area is bordered by the coastline. The area is bordered on the west by the Borean River and to the south by the northern extents of the Adri Varma Plateau, the Kingdom of Wendar and the northern extents of the Heldannic Territories. To the west the area is bordered by the Yalu Bay and to the east by the border of Hule. This area is bordered on the north by the Yazak Steppes and to the south by the coast along the Izondian Deep. The Plain of Fire and The Sind Desert UPDATED Great Northway Lands and the Yazak Steppes To the south the area is bordered by the southern extent of the continent though it includes the islands of the Kingdom of Yavdlom. This area is bordered on the east by Kingdom of Sind and the Adri Varma Plateau and on the west and north by the Yalu River. This area, which could have just have easily been called "The Area in modules X4 to X6", was the first significant foray outside the Known World. The Sea of Dread and the Thanegioth Archipelago UPDATED The Known World as defined here extends from the Atruaghin Plateau and Principalities of Glantri in the west to the eastern edge of Brun including the island kingdom of Ostland in the east and from the Thanegioth Archipelago to the south to the Principalities of Glantri and Heldannic Territories to the north. This area covers the initial extents of what was to become to world of Mystara from the Expert set and the module The Isle of Dread. UPDATED Outer World Brun The Known World. Mystara a collection of miscellaneous region-spanning material. Rules Resources Adventures Stories FAQ Search Links